This website was archived on January 11, 2020 and is no longer updated.


Dr. Joséphine Peigné
23, rue Jean Baldassini
69364 Lyon CEDEX 07
Tel. + 33 4 27 85 85 85 62
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Designing a new cropping system – First workshop held in Birmingham in January 2013

On January 20, 2013, researchers of the TILMAN-ORG project participated in the first workshop for designing new conservation cropping systems in organic farming.

Workshop participants
Workshop participants

José Blanco, Berit Tein, Geert-Jan van der Burgt

Workshop participants
Workshop participants

Endla Reintam, Andreas Surboek, Wijnand Sukkel


The workshop was held  in Birmingham, UK and followed by the second TILMAN-ORG project meeting, which was organized in conjunction with the UK Organic Producers Conference.

The workshop was part of the work package 6 of the TILMAN-ORG project (Design of sustainable conservation agriculture systems by use of knowledge-based assessment).

The main objectives of the workshop were:

  1. to present the results of the European survey on famers’ motivations and problems when applying no tillage and green manures, and
  2. to design prototypes of new conservation cropping systems in organic farming, being inspired by these survey results.

Joséphine Peigné and Marion Casagrande from ISARA Lyon facilitated the workshop. Twelve partners joined the workshop: Geert-Jan van der Burgt from the Louis Bolk Institute (LBI, The Netherlands), Kate Gascoyne, Julia Cooper and Marcin Baranski from Newcastle University(UK), Jo Smith from the Organic Research Centre (ORC) , Andreas Surboek from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Austria (FiBL AT), Paul Mäder from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Switzerland, José Blanco and F. Xavier Sans from the University of Barcelona (UB, Spain), Berit Tein and Endla Reintam from the Estonian Life Science University , and Wijnand Sukkel from Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), The Netherlands.

After defining collectively a set of objectives, three groups of researchers designed three  prototypes of cropping systems. The next step is to assess the designed prototypes with a multi-criteria method. The results of the assessment step will be presented in a second workshop.

More information


Joséphine Peigné, ISARA, Lyon, France

Link Design of sustainable conservation agriculture systems by use of knowledge-based assessment

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